Mosquito Click

Mosquito Click


Regular price $19.95 Sale

To easily eliminate the sting, itch and swelling, Intelligent Health Systems offers Mosquito-Click – a simple, chemical free, Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) registered medical device.

Sometimes we all get stung by things like mosquitoes, non-poisonous jellyfish, sandflies, midges, bull-ants, fleas and horseflies.

A portable medical device that functions using piezoelectricity, Mosquito-Click helps inhibit the production of histamine at the site of the sting or bite, thereby reducing itching and inflammation.


  • Clinically proven to eliminate itching and inflammation from stings and bites in just a few clicks.
  • Fast acting and long lasting.
  • Simply place directly on the bite and click 5 times or as required.
  • Portable, simple, convenient and safe to use – no need to apply any drugs or chemicals to the body.
  • Suitable for adults and children over 6 months old.
  • Designed and made in Italy.
  • Treats up to 5,000 bites.
  • No expiry date.
  • No battery needed.


5-10 clicks per sting/bite. Use as required